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The mission of the Latina Committee is to foster the inclusion and advancement of Latinas within Los Abogados and the broader legal profession. We are dedicated to providing professional and leadership development opportunities, creating spaces for connection and mutual support, and offering recommendations to the Los Abogados Board of Directors to further our cause.


  • Professional and Leadership Development: Offering programs and resources aimed at the professional growth and leadership skills enhancement of Latina members.
  • Networking and Support: Organizing meetings, lunch and coffee meetups, and special events to build strong relationships and mentorships among Latinas.
  • Advocacy and Recognition: Celebrating the achievements of Latinas in the legal profession and advocating for policies and practices that support their continued success.


The Latina Committee aims to meet at least eight times a year through a variety of events including committee meetings, casual meetups, and at least one Committee-sponsored Continuing Legal Education (CLE) session. These gatherings are vital for forging strong connections and establishing mentorship opportunities.


We take pride in commemorating the professional successes of Latinas, sharing accomplishments, and recognizing trailblazers within our community. By highlighting these success stories, we inspire each other and provide a roadmap for achieving professional goals.

Board Recommendations:

We actively contribute to the shaping of policies and goals at Los Abogados by providing ongoing recommendations that impact Latinas directly, ensuring that their needs and perspectives are represented and addressed.


Committed to creating a safe and respectful professional environment, the Latina Committee offers concrete anti-harassment policy recommendations to the Board. We are dedicated to analyzing and advocating for further actions to combat harassment in the workplace and legal profession.

Contributions to Los Abogados’ Overall Goals:

The Latina Committee embodies Los Abogados’ mission to promote diversity and advocate for the Latino community in the legal profession. By fostering a supportive network and championing policies that enhance inclusivity, we institutionalize change and support the advancement of Latina attorneys.

Join Us:

Interested in contributing to the empowerment and advancement of Latinas in the legal profession? Want to learn more about our initiatives and how you can get involved?

Contact: Latina Committee Chair at

The mission of Los Abogados is to develop, empower, and support the Latino community through the advancement of the legal profession.